How do I add Artist name to Albums / Thumbnail view?
Hi folks...  I'm still rockin' the Confluence skin in K19.3, like God and XBMC intended.  😁   Glad to see others are as well.

I have a large music collection, and I use albums  thumbnail view to quickly scroll in and choose an album to play.  It's nice that it has the album name...  but it would be nicer (for me, at least) if it had two lines:  First line album artist, second line album name.

I'm not a coder, but I have been known to modify a .xml to get results that I prefer.  So...

QUESTION:  is there a modification to the thumbnail view of albums that would result in a 2 line display of artist & album name?  Extra bonus points for it not making a mess out of spacing.

If it is possible, please tell me what to change, and in which file.  

Thanks, and I look forward to replies.
I would be happy even if you could see the Artist name Next to the Album name seperated by a hyphen...   similar to how it appears in the files view.
So I think I figured a quick fix...  but it has a side effect.... as this change impacts all file views.

In your Kodi\addons\skin.confluence\720p  folder

Make a backup of ViewsFileMode.xml  in case you don't like it or you make a mistake you can revert it back.

Line 281 should currently be shown as

If you change that to this instead and save
<label>$INFO[ListItem.AlbumArtist] - $INFO[ListItem.Label]</label>

Then load Kodi and go to Music, and Albums, and you should now see the Artist Name next to the Album Name...  If you select the Album then the artist name disappears and it just scrolls the album name...  the side effect is that if you are viewing anything in file mode now you will see a hyphen before the name... so for example if you go to your Video / Files view and browse a folder with media you will see that every item has a hyphen before it's name.

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How do I add Artist name to Albums / Thumbnail view?0